Jesus would be proud

I hope the man upstairs is proud of his bigoted little followers who shot down LB475, which would grant homosexuals protected status from hiring discrimination.

Sure, they’ll make up lies and play naive on the stand, but then talk about how they don’t want to encourage immoral behavior. The committee heard first-hand testimony about being fired for being gay, yet folks like Senator Erdman claim there’s no discrimination against homosexuals.

Senator Fulton used a study from 15 years ago which showed that, nationwide, homosexual households have a higher average income than households of blacks or Mexicans with 3 years of high school education. Nevermind that the study was 15 years old, was nationwide, and had no clarification of the education of homosexuals – using this as evidence against a discrimination ban is saying “If some gay people make a lot of money, that makes it okay to discriminate against others.”

I’m curious – what is the threshold for income that entitles you to be discriminated against?

Then there is all the nonsense about saying “I’m not bigoted, but I’ll compare homosexuality to bestiality, pedophilia, and other crimes. I’ll compare a gay man’s lover to an abused animal. But I totally respect gays.”

Say you aren’t bigots all you want. Actions speak louder than words.

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