I reinjured my neck

I don’t remember if I posted about this before, but several months back I injured my neck while sleeping. I had already been going through the whole “I’m 27, I’m old” thing, and then I went and got injured while lying flat on my back. Oh, and I had just gotten over a back injury from playing croquet.

Okay so I realized I shouldn’t bother typing the whole story again in case I had written about this back in September, so there, a link to previous misery.

Today, I’m doing something slightly more dangerous – towel-drying my hair after a shower – when I re-aggravate it. Dropped to the floor. Pulled myself up on my bed, trying to catch my breath from that sudden shock of pain. As the day went on, I managed to get to my car (where I had left my neck brace) and make it to McDonald’s and back for my cartooning lunch, but it just got worse as the day went on.

It’s now 9pm, I have a stupid neck brace on, and I hate the feeling of knowing that no matter how hard you wish, your body will not cooperate with you.

Oh and then I found out I got dropped from the lincolnite blogroll. Lincolnite BOG roll is more like it! No, not really. It’s fair, since I don’t really post anything other people would want to read. I only post about being injured, not important things like HAVING THE FLU.


One Response to “I reinjured my neck”

  1. Mr. Wilson Says:

    Hey, no fair mocking my flu!

    You haven’t been dropped, by the way. I only let twenty items show up at any one time, in random order. (The randomized list gets cached for a while, too, so it’s not actually random for every visitor. But I’m sure you don’t care about the details.) You must’ve looked at the list during one of the periods in which your site was left off the list.

    Please don’t hate me!

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